Saturday, June 30, 2012

Walk to Esk Tower

Took what ended up being a more than ten mile hike/walk up to Esk tower on the opposite side of the harbor yesterday. Beautiful views. It was built to help guide sailors into the harbor. From outside the harbor, the entrance was impossible to find without it.

I probably should have checked how long the hike would be before I actually left. Unfortunately, my four mile walk the day before didn't break in my shoes. I probably should have figured that any six mile hike I plan would inevitably turn into a more than ten miles! So blisters and painful feet, but a beautiful payoff at the top.

Route and some photos attached. Also a few photos from the boat when I was swimming with Fungie the day before. I wish I had photos, but being 3 feet from a frolicking dolphin in the Dingle harbor in Ireland is one of my most amazing experiences ever!

Ended the evening finding some live traditional music and drinking Guinness with a few of my hostel mates. Representatives from Ireland, Italy, Argentina, and America. Not bad!

Someday at a computer again I'll be able to fix the order of these photos I promise. For now, I just hope you enjoy them.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you for posting these! How wild and gorgeous it looks. (Ah,sheep!) Store away these spectacular memories to revisit on difficult days at work or school.
